Emu is a female cat born in March 2001. This is the first cat I adopted. She'll show patience and zen in weird positions, during rubbing of the belly and all kinds of teasing ;-) Update of July 2006: I have piles of photos of her since Jan. 2004, but so many other fish to fry. (go home) Miscellaneous pictures of the cat First day at home, 08 May 2001 Emu at the office, 10 May 2001 Emu at home, 12 May 2001 Emu and Pichu at the Office, 15 May 2001 Learning the tree environment, 20 May 2001 Emu plays in/with a cardboard box, 28 May 2001 Near the bathtub, 13 Apr. 2002 Lazy Emu on our bed, 05 Dec. 2002 Emu vs. Hades, 04 Jan. 2003 Lazy evenings, Jan., Feb., Apr. 2003 Emu in the garden, 18 Apr. 2003 Emu blessee, 22 Jan. 2004