Grand Prix de Monaco, 2001

Jean-Damien, Carine, Steph and I went to Monaco by train to hear the Monaco Grand Prix.

Jean-Damien, Steph, Carine

GP Monaco 2001

Steph, Jean-Damien, Carine at the train station

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on sailing ships

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on sailing ships

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on sailing ships

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

View from the train on a bay

GP Monaco 2001

Racing car in Monaco train station

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco port

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco port

GP Monaco 2001

A racing car under the bridge

GP Monaco 2001

A racing car under the bridge

GP Monaco 2001

"Tribune A4" post

GP Monaco 2001

Folks at balconies

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco port

GP Monaco 2001

A racing car passing under the Fosters banner

GP Monaco 2001

The porte

GP Monaco 2001

Wide screen showing a passing racing car

GP Monaco 2001

Wide screen showing a passing racing car

GP Monaco 2001

Steph, Carine, Jean-Damien perched to have a better look

GP Monaco 2001

Jean-Damien, Carine and their friend, at the Hagen-Dasz terrace

GP Monaco 2001

Steph, Jean-Damien, Carine and their friend, at the Hagen-Dasz terrace

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco spreading buildings on the hills

GP Monaco 2001

View on Monaco port from behind a bridge

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco port

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco port

GP Monaco 2001

Monaco GP 2001 advertisement

GP Monaco 2001

The crowd

GP Monaco 2001

The castle

GP Monaco 2001

A racing car under the bridge

GP Monaco 2001

A racing car under the bridge

GP Monaco 2001

Koalie, 2003