Coralie's ego wall

Photos of me I like.

Coralie at the age of 6 - school picture

six year old Coralie

Coralie at the age of 8 - school picture

eight year old Coralie

Portrait of Coralie with red hair, October 1995


Black and white portrait of Coralie (Sept. 1996)

B & W

Portrait of Coralie wearing dark make-up, Halloween 1996

Halloween make up

Coralie with leaves on the head, September 1998

Head in the leaves

Coralie in the Gorge of Samaria, Crete, August 1998

In the Gorge of Samaria, Crete

Coralie through a mirror in Hong Kong

Through a mirror in HK

Ian and Coralie in a bus in Hong Kong, Ian in a attempt at curing Coralie's headache by pressing her wrists

Ian and Coralie holding hands

My reflection (petit trianon behind) at Versaille

At Versailles



Coralie on DD's terrace (August 2002)

Red-head at DD's

Coralie, une tasse de cafe a la main (August 2002)

Chez DD

Coralie at her desk

At the office


Emu sprawled on Coralie's lap

On the couch w/ Emu

Coralie hidden behind the cat

Hiding behind the cat

At Neurone's wedding

Selfportrait in the miror of the bathroom ("a la Karl" ;-)

Budapest, May 2003

Self portrait in Budapest

Self portrait

Photo of me (by Amy) in bus during the May 2004 NY trip


At Stata, team day (photo by Amy)




New hair colour

New hair colour

koalie, 2005