Amsterdam - Tuesday May 23, 2000

Second day of the AC meeting. Nothing noticeable on the Admin. side. I have to admit I got bored at some point and staying there didn't help. It was raining outside so I sort of wandered from the hall of Sint-Olof chapel to the lobby of the hotel and so forth.

Well, something actually happened to me and was sort of funny as it turned out. My trousers had a loose hem, and it had to be mended as I was stepping on it. I went to the concierge and asked for a sewing kit. He gave me a box and I thanked him with all my heart in a very relieved manner. I went in the business centre and there realized he had given me a shaving kit :(( I wish I had known what the concierge has thought upon seeing me so relieved... Well I fetched a sewing kit and handed back the shaving one.

Then I mended my hem and in order to make it last longer, I sewed with my left hand. I was so slow it amused Josiane very much. The whole business took not less than a hour or so.

At the end of the day, we all headed to Sarang Mas on the Damrak, an indonesian restaurant. The food was delicious and we had a very pleasant time.

After dinner, a few of us went in a pub for a few pints and a few games of pool. Gerald and I played and he won (as usual). I don't know why Gerald seems to think I am able to win...

Dave, Bert, Philipp, DanielV, Jose, Patrick, Chaals, Wendy
Dave, Bert, Philipp,
DanielV, Jose,
Patrick, Chaals, Wendy
Tim, Rigo, Tatsuya, Ralph, Norio, Danny

Tim, Rigo, Tatsuya,
Ralph, Norio, Danny
Yves, Hugo, Téole

Yves, Hugo, Téole
Ted, Art, Gerald

Ted, Art, Gerald
Yuko, JJ, Susan

Yuko, JJ, Susan
Ed, Lesley

Ed, Lesley
Benoit Takuya, Max

Benoît Takuya, Max
DanielD, Thierry

DanielD, Thierry

Vincent, Josiane

Vincent, Josiane
two big tables

two big tables
Joseph, DanC, Dave, Bert, Philipp, DV, Yuichi

Joseph, DanC, Dave, Bert,
Philipp, DV, Yuichi
Joseph, DanC

Joseph, DanC
Alan, and_his wife, Judie

Alan, and_his wife, Judie
Tim, Ralph, Norio, Martin, Danny, Henry, Janet
Tim, Ralph, Norio,
Martin, Danny,
Henry, Janet
Hiromi, Mimasa

Hiromi, Mimasa
Hidetaka, Janet

Hidetaka, Janet
Tim, Bob, Rigo, Tatsuya, Yasuyuki
Tim, Bob, Rigo,
Tatsuya, Yasuyuki
MaxF, Coralie

MaxF, Coralie
Red-eyed Massimo, Ian

Red-eyed Massimo, Ian
DanielD, Michael

DanielD, Michael

Eric and Katy

Eric and Katy
Hidetaka, Janet, surprised

Hidetaka, Janet, surprised

Benoit, Takuya

Benoît, Takuya
DanielD, no comment

DanielD, no comment
DanielD, no comment

DanielD, no comment

Pub, no-spitting sign

Pub, no-spitting sign
a scattered pair of shoes in the street

a scattered pair of
shoes in the street

Here continues my photo album...

Wednesday, May 24 2000 : All-team meeting at CWI. Miscellaneous pix and pix of the team
Go back to May 22

Author: Koalie

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