Schlossborn, 18-20 August 2006

My friend Nico and I flew to Frankfurt (FRA). I flew from NCE and he from CDG. We met our friend Isabelle (Bellie) and her husband, Wolfgang. They took us places and we generally had a wonderful time.

Skateboarder next to the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany


A couple in odd postures near the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

What are they doing?

The European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, at sunset


Towers next to the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, looking like they're wrapped in kitchen foil.

Kitchen foil!

A (small) herd of horses resting in the shade of a large tree, Schlossborn, Germany

In the shade

Three trees, Schlossborn, Germany

Three trees

Benny, Isabelle's labrador, gets close to horses, Schlossborn, Germany

Benny the courageous

Horses, Schlossborn, Germany


Two cows, Schlossborn, Germany

And that was the punch line?

Benny, 35 pound puppy, on Bellie's lap, Schlossborn, Germany

Benny and Bellie

Nico bending forward and petting a cow, Schlossborn, Germany

Nico pets a cow

Safe sex, Schlossborn, Germany


A foal running my way, Schlossborn, Germany

Foal action

More safe sex, Schlossborn, Germany

More cowporn

Burgundy flower, Schlossborn, Germany

Burgundy flower

koalie, 2007